PopUps with Tick Boxes

How to create PopUps with Mandatory and Optional Tick Boxes. 1. In Step 2 fill out all fields and go to the end of left sidebar. You will see Mandatory Tickbox and Optional Tickbox. When you set up Mandatory Tickbox visitor will be able to submit the lead only after it’s ticked. You can use it, […]

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Video PopUp

How to make my first video PopUp? 1. First choose the video you want to appear on your PopUp and click Share: 2. Click Embed tab, here you will find the iframe code we’ll need later, select and copy it: 3. In your PopUp Domination account go to PopUps and click +New Popup: 4. Choose […]

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Change Fonts

How to change fonts in my PopUp 1. Let’s start with finding more appropriate font – go to Google Fonts page. If you use English in your popup, you have nothing to worry about. For most of other languages with Latin alphabet you’ll have to use Latin Extended, I also want Sans Serif font, let’s […]

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Let’s get started So, you just purchased PopUp Domination V4 and now you are wondering, what to do next. Let’s get started: 1. Domains 1.1. First things first. You will have to add domains on which your PopUps will be showed. Go to Domains and click +New Domain: 1.2. Enter your Domain name and click […]

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