How to integrate AWeber using Custom Form HTML Code

1. First you have to make Custom Form on AWeber – go to Sign Up Forms and click Create a Sign Up Form:


2. Create custom form. Don’t be bothered by design, PopUp Domination will override it, but be sure, that you have the same input fields, that you’ll have in your PopUp. When this is done, go to Step 2 – Settings:


3. Fill out the Form Name field and go to Step 3:


4. In Step 3 choose I Will Install My Form:


5. Choose Raw HTML Version, select and copy the code:


6. Go to PopUp Domination Mailings page and click +New Custom Form button:

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7. Type the name of your Custom Form, Paste the Code and click Create:

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8. Check if the Input Fields are found correctly and click Create:

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9. When the Custom Form is Integrated, you will see your Custom Form in Custom Forms section:

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