How to track PopUps With Events in Google Analytics

Google Analytics lets you to track following things:

  • Loading – how many times the PopUp loaded per period of time.
  • Closing – how many people closed the PopUp.
  • Already a subscriber – place a link below the CTA that says “I’m already a subscriber” to tell us never to show the PopUp to them again (cookie-based tracking)
  • Sign-up – how many sign-ups to the newsletter have you got from PopUps?

Here’s how it works. In our example we’ll track subscribers. First we have to figure out how we’d want this data to show up in Google Analytics (you’ll probably may need a developer to help with this):
ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘pop up’, ‘subscribe’, ‘[current page url]’);
Our event breaks out into this:
category = popup
action = subscribe
label = the page where the action took place

  1. Go to Reporting -> Conversions -> Goals and click + New Goal:


2. Set the Goal Name, the Goal Type Event and click Continue:


3. Goal Category, Action, Label, Value if need. In our case there is the Category – “popup” and Action – “subscribe”. Click Save:


4. You’re done! You can see your data in Reporting -> Real-Time -> Events:

