Are you struggling to cut through in the fast-paced world of online marketing?
One tactic many people are employing is to step back, ditch the browser and take pen to paper. Direct marketing is back and if you know how to use it, it can produce a bigger return on investment than any online campaign.
From mailboxes to measurability, we can help. Read on as we discuss the benefits of direct mail marketing.
It Is Highly Targeted
An online marketing strategy can not be overlooked, but direct marketing can be a lot more targeted when done correctly. This can often result in a higher conversion rate. Success is achieved by avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach and personalizing your mail.
People who have given you their addresses are already interested in hearing from you. From this, you can target them based on other information they have supplied. This could be geographical location, professions, income, and even birth dates.
It Is Measurable
A business strategy using direct marketing is one of the easiest to measure. The first way to do this is to track website visits. Leave links in your direct mail and see if they manage to increase footfall on the site.
Another method is to set up a custom phone number. Add it to your direct marketing and offers, then see how many calls you get relating to them.
Finally, use them to create an exclusive offer for direct mail marketing. When the offers are cashed in, you know that the marketing has had an impact and can measure it easily.
It Raises Brand Awareness
Even if the recipients do not act upon the direct mail, then they have at least been exposed to your brand. This makes it a great form of business advertising and even if they do not visit this time, they will be more likely to come to you at a later date.
It Builds Relationships
Customer retention is vital to building a long-term business strategy and direct marketing is one way to do it. By opening these communication lines, it paves the way for customer loyalty, referrals, and long-term relationships. Once you have this relationship, customers will come back whenever they need your service even when you are not targeting them directly.
You do not even have to do it when you have an offer. A birthday card or bit of helpful advice can go a long way, even if you have no conversion incentive within it.
It Saves Budgets in Other Areas
While you will have to pay for printing and materials, direct marketing can save money. By targeting only specific, dedicated clients, newsletters and mail will produce a much higher return on investment.
It also gives you a great opportunity to test different forms of direct marketing with A/B testing before a larger rollout. You can get more info here on mailing services and costs.
Direct Mail Marketing Companies
Now you know the benefits of direct mail marketing, you just need to know how easy it is to do. Search online for companies dealing in these services. Very often, they can mail items directly to your customers.
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