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email marketing

8 Email Marketing Strategies Every Business Needs to Know

There are currently over 7 billion people on the internet worldwide. While that’s a large statistic, it’s about finding your target audience within that number. 

If you’re someone who is looking to reach out to your audience through email marketing, you’ve come to the right place. While email marketing might seem difficult, it’s an effective way to turn potential customers into buyers. 

This article will go over different tips and actions that you can follow to have the most promising email marketing strategies. Read on to explore these tips and actions in order to see the conversions you’re dreaming of today. 

Why Have an Email Marketing Strategy? 

First, an email marketing campaign is a way to reach out to your audience without having to continually pay for ads. You’ll have the option to reach out to numerous mobile customers as well. It’s also a great way to track your marketing process and determine how successful it is. 

1. Have a Buyer Persona

First, before setting up your email marketing campaign, you’ll need to create a buyer persona within your target audience. Having your ideal customer in mind will ensure that the messages you’re sending will resonate with your audience. 

In order to figure out your buyer’s persona, you can reach out to current customers. First, create a survey that features questions such as what they like and don’t like about your process, and what made them buy from you. You can even include an option for them to fill in any additional information. 

This survey will let you know about their goals, and what they’re looking to solve. In your email marketing template you’ll want to include the pain points of your audience, and offer them a solution. As you create your buyer persona, it’s a good way to figure out where they tend to spend time online, and what their behavior represents. 

2. Personalization

Your email marketing strategy needs to include personalization in order to stand out. An example of personalization is including their name. 

Collect as much information as you can about the visitors to your site. Also, have conversion fields that only have 2-3 requirements such as their first name and email. 

Keep in mind that you’ll need to have strong content on your site to turn readers into sign-ups. The content that they sign up through will show you what they’re interested in reading about. 

3. Use Email Marketing Software

You’ll want to automate the email marketing process as much as possible as time goes on. Find email marketing software that offers you options such as collecting email addresses, managing the subscribers in your list, etc. With this, you can create customized landing pages, email templates, and save and organize your contacts. 

4. Using Pop-Ups

Pop-ups work, and you’ll find many marketers incorporating them into their marketing strategy. In order to create successful pop-ups, ensure that you’re providing valuable and relevant content. 

For example, offer them something to go along with signing up such as an e-book, free download, etc. In order to better understand how your customers engage with your page, head over to Google Analytics and take a look at the average time per page, and the bounce rate. 

In order to have an effective popup, choose to let someone scroll down your page for a bit before it pops up. Have meaningful content on the pop up as well.

Also, be direct in your popup. The popup shouldn’t follow your reader from page to page, it should only show up once and then disappear. 

Don’t be afraid to use personality in your popup, and have a CTA (call-to-action). A CTA is where you invite the reader to do something such as signing up. 

5. Use Social Proof

Have social proof on your page to encourage sign-ups. For example, if you have someone who mentions how their free gift helped them, it might entice your readers. 

6. Create Ads

Consider using ads to encourage sign-ups to your email list. Around 69% of American adults use Facebook. You can benefit from this stat by creating Facebook Ads. Consider YouTube as well for your ads since 73% of adults access it. 

Keep your audience in mind as well since Facebook is a more varied audience, whereas Instagram and Snapchat tend to be younger audiences. Keep in mind that the usage of younger audiences on Facebook is decreasing.

7. Write Attention-Grabbing Headlines

Use action words (think copywriting), and keep your headlines between 6-10 words. Consider showing your preview text. This is the text that’ll show up next to an email’s subject line. 

Use different subject lines and run tests to see which are opened. Send out 2 different versions of headlines to a select audience, and take a look at the open rate. Once you have your winning subject line, you can send it out to your entire audience. 

Create curiosity with your subject line. This is known as the curiosity gap where you grab their interest and increase their chances of clicking on your email. 

8. Use a Schedule

Keep in mind that your sign-ups are more than likely receiving other newsletters as well. You’ll want to keep track of clicks and unsubscribe rates for each email you send.

Take a look at when it seems that your customers open your emails the most. Once you do that, set a schedule for what days you’ll send emails out, and stick to it. 

Email Marketing Strategies That Are Effective for Businesses

Now that you’ve explored these email marketing strategies that are effective for businesses, you should have a better idea of what you should implement in your own business. Are you ready to have a high-converting email sign-up? Get started today, and choose from one of our effective 3 plans.